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DHL/SCMP Hong Kong Business Awards (HKBA) 2017
Pathway to Enrichment Project 活出豐盛計劃
In 2016, the Hong Kong Education Bureau organised a project for local students with specific learning difficulties (SpLD) in secon[...]
WTIA Connected City Conference 2017
Motherapp at Airport Authority’s Technovation Conference 2017
[Motherapp featured on Oriental Daily News 東方日報] 香港搞邊科:手機App開發商謀轉戰AI
Developing innovative IoT and AI solutions for enterprises, government bodies and organizations in Hong Kong, Motherapp is committ[...]
Motherapp X Ericsson: IoT Seminar for Housing Authority
Motherapp and Ericsson jointly hosted a seminar for Housing Authority on 17 July, with more than 80 HA staff members joined the se[...]
Technology project sharing with students
Students from Pui Ching Middle School visited us for a sharing on technology projects yesterday. Our CEO, Ken and CRO, Hauman shar[...]
We Presented at the 15th ITS Asia-Pacific Forum
Alan Hung, our Director of Digital Innovation, was invited as one of the technical speakers at the[...]
Ocean Park & PowerArena featured on Enterprise Innovation 2017
Ocean Park with the real-time mob[...]
We spoke at HK IoT Conference 2017