WhatsApp Number
Motherapp wins global champion spot at the World Summit Awards
Celebrating Success- Motherapp has recently clinched the[...]
Hong Kong Government’s first smart city project deployment
The case study video of Motherapp's Smart City project done in conjunction with the Hong Kong SAR government is now live!
The pro[...]
DHL/SCMP Hong Kong Business Awards (HKBA) 2017
[Motherapp featured on Oriental Daily News 東方日報] 香港搞邊科:手機App開發商謀轉戰AI
Developing innovative IoT and AI solutions for enterprises, government bodies and organizations in Hong Kong, Motherapp is committ[...]
Ocean Park & PowerArena featured on Enterprise Innovation 2017
Ocean Park with the real-time mob[...]
PowerArena Featured on PM Network Magazine 2017
Ocean Park's PFlow (PowerArena) real-time crowd management platform was mentioned in[...]
Ta Kung Pao mentioned Motherapp in its Smart City Featured Stories – 2016 Dec
Our CEO, Ken Law, shared to Ta Kung Pao how IoT (Internet of Things) and Big Data technologies can facilitate development of Smart[...]
SCMP: Silicon Valley import hopes to lead Hong Kong’s charge in mobile innovation
SCMP covers Ken Law's story in receiving the Young Entrepreneur Award from Hong Kong Business Awar[...]
香港商報: 科技園作媒 企業科創配對 – 2016 Oct
PC Market: 本地科創港企力撐 – 2016 Oct
Motherapp’s Ocean Park IoT project is featured on PC Market [...]
Oriential Daily: 科技園推公司配對 初創企業展實力
大公報: 初創公司用App推動智慧城市