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【CRM 會員 App】盤點 6 大零售忠誠度應用程式 Retail Loyalty Programs 必備功能 30.09.2024
What makes MoneyBack so successful? Let’s explore the key to success for mobile loyalty apps through Watsons’ MoneyBack 30.09.2024
到底是什麼原因能讓易賞錢取得如此成功?從屈臣氏易賞錢看手機會員App的成功關鍵 30.09.2024
Transformation Across Industries: How the “Earn and Burn” Strategy in Loyalty Programs is Evolving 20.08.2024
從零售到跨行業的變革 — 忠誠度計劃的「Earn and Burn」策略如何轉型 20.08.2024
Loyalty in Olympic Games? Hidden Loyalty and CRM in the Olympic Digital Experience 2024 12.08.2024
奧運也玩 Loyalty 數碼體驗?盤點隱藏在 2024 巴黎奧運中的忠誠度與客戶關係管理元素 12.08.2024
[Personalized Marketing] Using Data to Create Customer-Centric Experiences: The Era of Hyper Personalization in Customer Journeys 07.08.2024
【個人化行銷】運用數據打造以顧客為中心的體驗:超個人化顧客旅程時代 07.08.2024
The Art of Project Management: Why Project Management is Indispensable in App Development 26.07.2024
專案管理的藝術:為何 Project Management 在 APP 開發中不可或缺 26.07.2024
Head North in Bulk-Buying Frenzy: How Loyalty Card Programs Bring Success to Brands like Sam’s Club and Costco 04.07.2024