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【CRM趨勢】用積分做善事 會員積分當錢「捐」 26.02.2024
Seize Customers Through Direct Membership Program | Direct-to-Consumer (D2C) Retail Strategies 16.02.2024
Carbon Wallet 首個支付夥伴 – 綁定八達通卡 乘車消費自動儲積分 03.01.2024
香港消防處山嶺搜救應用程式奪 WITSA 智慧城市卓越成就獎 03.01.2024
Motherapp 為旅發局「香港夜饗樂」Hong Kong Night Treats 活動提供技術支援 28.12.2023
Motherapp Joins HKPC’s 數碼轉型支援先導計劃 Retail Solution Day 14.12.2023
How can Motherapp’s loyalty platform help you to grow your business? 25.05.2023
Advanced Marketing Approach – ABC Marketing 24.04.2023
Stop Guessing Preferences: Data-Driven Marketing 11.04.2023
Boost Customer Engagement with Digital Transformation 03.04.2023
Link Up: Link REIT’s New Shopping Mall App 26.03.2023
New Privacy Trend III: O2O to OMO Platform Ownership 13.03.2023