WhatsApp Number
Solution: A One-stop Engagement Station for a Travel Agent Brand 知名旅遊品牌的會員互動應用程式
Clients: EGL Tours 東瀛遊
Key Features:
O2O Traffic Conversion of Members O2O 線上線下會員互引
Data-driven Frontline Support 數據支持的前線員工銷售支援
Multi-channel personalized Promotion 多渠道推送個人化會員推廣訊息
Web App for High Adoption 循序漸進 利用 Web App 提升使用者接受度
Established in 1987, EGL Tours is a well-known Hong Kong-based travel agency offering package tours, independent travel products, and a variety of travel-related services.
With multiple customer touchpoints—including physical branches, a website, telephone, WhatsApp, and Facebook—the company was looking for a comprehensive digital solution to unify its independent systems, optimize customer engagement, and enable its staff to better serve customers through data support.
成立於 1987 年的東瀛遊 EGL Tours 是本港知名的旅行社品牌,提供各類旅行服務,包括旅行團、自由行套票、機票酒店預訂等其他旅遊相關服務。
東瀛遊擁有多個與顧客的接觸點,包括門市、官方網站、電話查詢及報名中心、WhatsApp 及 Facebook 渠道。因此,品牌期望透過一個綜合的數位解決方案來整合各獨立系統,提升顧客的互動體驗,並能為門市員工提供數據支援以優化門市顧客服務。
Disconnected Online & Offline Systems: Disjointed systems of the official website and physical stores led to a fragmented user experience and difficulty in seamless customer reengagements.
Enhance In-Store Sales Experience: As a business that thrives on face-to-face sales interactions, EGL Tours needed an integrated data system to support frontline staff’s personalized recommendations and upselling.
Unique Practices of Regular Offline Activities: Unlike traditional retail businesses, EGL Tours hosts regular offline events and travel information seminars, requiring a tailored O2O CRM system app solution that can fit in the travel industry trait.
符合旅遊業特性的 CRM 需求:相較一般零售業,東瀛遊經常舉辦線下活動與旅遊講座,因此需要尋找一個能針對旅遊業特性的 O2O CRM 系統,以提升會員互動與忠誠度。
Points-to-Cash: Members earn 1 point per HK$1 spent, applicable across all EGL service channels. 20,000 points can be redeemed for HK$100 eDollars, ensuring instant and tangible rewards.
消費累積積分兌換eDollars:適用於所有東瀛遊服務渠道,會員每 HK$1 的消費可獲得 1 積分,而 20,000 積分可兌換 HK$100 eDollars。結帳時,即時以 eDollar 扣減訂單費用,能夠提升會員消費意願。
Priority Registration for EGL Activities: Members can seamlessly sign up for EGL’s travel seminars and exclusive offline events with a single click.
Exclusive Member Discounts and Perks: EGL members could enjoy exclusive travel information, member-only privileges, as well as surprised rewards delivered in-app.
Online-to-Offline: Members browsing through the EGL Tours App or website can directly register for in-person events.
Offline-to-Online: Digital event-exculsive tour coupons will be distributed to all attendees, providing incentives and needs for members to engage with the app.
Seamless Event Check in & CRM Integration: Members can check in to events effortlessly with the mobile tickets. Attendance records will be automatically stored in their member profiles in the CRM system to enrich the behaviour data.
無縫活動報到與 CRM 整合:使用應用程式內的講座報名憑證,會員便可在到達會場時快速報到,出席記錄將自動儲存至 CRM 系統,增強品牌的個人化行銷與行為數據分析。
By integrating in-store and e-commerce transactions, coupon records, and behavioral data into a real-time customer profile, allowing EGL Tours to:
Empower Frontline Staffs with Data Insights: Staff can access customer travel history and past activities interactions, providing tailored recommendations and upselling opportunities when serving in-store.
Sync Cross-channels and Cross-branches Information: In-store inquiries or seminar attendance could be leveraged for marketing segmentation and targeted promotions, and vice versa.
4-Channel Integration: Members will be reaching out for updates based on their communication preferences to maximize engagement, including SMS and WhatsApp messages, email campaigns, and in-app push notifications.
四大溝通渠道整合:根據會員偏好,透過手機短訊、WhatsApp、電子郵件與 App 推送通知 發送行銷訊息,提高互動方式的針對性從而推高轉化率。
Segmentation Flexibility: Our backend Work Portal allows flexibility for marketers to create customized campaigns based on various customer attributes, ensuring highly relevant promotions with built-in loyalty campaign templates.
Lower Entry Barriers and Increase Conversion: Apart from the mobile app, our solution provides a web app portal for members to access their digital membership card, coupons, and event registration and serves as an accessible gateway for new users to allow seamless navigation from social media to EGL’s digital channels without needing an immediate app download, improving conversion.
降低新系統進入門檻並提高轉化率:除了手機應用程式外,本方案還提供了 Web App,會員可直接從社交媒體或廣告連結直接進入 EGL 的電子渠道,無須立即下載應用程式,,亦可即時瀏覽會員專屬功能,如電子會員卡、優惠券及已報名活動,有效提升轉化率。
Smart Banner to Encourage App Download: A strategically placed Smart Bannar on the Web App encourages users to download the mobile app for a more immersive experience.
Web App 智能 Banner 提升應用程式下載率:Web App 內設有智能橫幅 (Smart Banner),適時引導用戶下載手機 App,提升沉浸式的品牌體驗。
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