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Club Kapok - Bridging Online & Offline for a Seamless O2O Experience - Motherapp
Club Kapok – Bridging Online & Offline for a Seamless O2O Experience

Case study:
Club Kapok – Bridging Online & Offline for a Seamless O2O Experience

Club Kapok - 突破線上線下瓶頸 連接O2O全渠道溝通

Club Kapok – 突破線上線下瓶頸 連接O2O全渠道溝通


club kapok

Solution: A premium fashion loyalty app 輕奢服裝品牌的會員應用程式
Clients: kapok

Key Features:
O2O membership program O2O會員計劃
QR code membership card 二維碼會員卡
Gift card integration & points-to-cash 禮品卡與積分當錢使
Personalized marketing push 會員推廣訊息推送
System & data integration 品牌系統與數據整合


個案背景與商業挑戰 Background & Business Challenges

kapok 是香港一家輕奢時尚品牌。現時在全港多區設有店鋪,銷售涵蓋時裝、美容、生活風格等商品選擇,並且積極推廣本地品牌。 由 2006 年成立至今,kapok 建立了一個具時尚、生活品味的品牌形象,聚集了一群時尚愛好者成為品牌粉絲。

kapok, a premium lifestyle brand in Hong Kong, has been shaping local fashion and design culture since 2006. With multiple stores across the city and a strong e-commerce presence, Kapok curates fashion, beauty, and lifestyle essentials while championing local brands.


主要痛點 Key Challenges

Disconnected Online & Offline Memberships: Separate systems for e-shop and physical stores led to a fragmented user experience.

O2O Traffic Conversion: No seamless strategy to drive online members in-store and vice versa.
O2O 流量互引:缺乏能有效將會員從線上引導至線下的行銷策略,反之亦言。

Boosting Customer Engagement: Needed a flexible rewards system to support its marketing campaigns and drive participation.



解決方案與功能 Our Solution Features

O2O Membership & QR Code Member Card O2O 二維碼會員計劃會員卡

Unified Membership Account: Customers can track all purchases & rewards in one app, online or offline.
整合會員帳戶:會員在各渠道的消費紀錄可同步至同一帳戶,打造完整的 O2O 體驗。

QR Code for Instant Points Collection: Earn points instantly in-store by scanning a QR code; e-shop purchases sync automatically.
二維碼會員卡:顧客可在門店購物出示會員 QR Code 獲取積分;網店購物亦可自動累積積分到會員卡。

club kapok


Flexible Rewards & Tiered Membership

Points-to-Cash: Redeem 100 points for HK$1 Cash Dollar, making rewards instantly valuable.
積分當錢使:每 100 積分可兌換 1 港元 Cash Dollar,直接抵扣消費,提高會員參與度。

Gift Card Integration: Convert physical store gift cards into points for seamless online & offline usage.
禮品卡互通:門店禮品卡 (Gift Card) 可轉換為積分兌換 Cash Dollar 使用,打通線上線下使用。

Exclusive Member Tiers: Four levels—Canva, Pod, Thread, Bloom—with increasing perks and privileges to enhance exclusivity.
會員升級誘因:Club Kapok 設有 Canva、Pod、Thread、Bloom 四個等級,等級越高,享受的優惠與獎勵越豐富,提升品牌專屬感。


Marketing & Personalized Engagement

Smart CRM & Merchant App: Easy-to-use Merchant App integrated with POS and Work Portal with built-in campaign templates for digital stamp cards, member-exclusive coupons, and birthday perks.
CRM 操作後台:設有使用方便的 CRM 後台,包括連接 POS 的 Merchant App, 設置行銷活動的 Work Portal,內建多種促銷方案模板,能快速建立針對不同客群的行銷活動如電子印花卡、會員專屬優惠券、生日驚喜等。

Real-Time In-App & Email Promotions: Targeted push notifications and email offers based on customer preferences to maximize engagement.
In-app 及電郵行銷推送:根據會員的推送傾向設置,隨時隨地發送即時優惠資訊,增強互動及轉化率。

club kapok


Fast Deployment & Full Data Integration
快速推出 成功打破線上線下瓶頸及全面數據整合

Seamless Data Sync: Unifies e-shop & in-store transactions, customer profile, or behaviour data with real-time updates, breaking through the O2O bottleneck.
全方位會員資料整合同步:成功整合品牌網店與線下 POS資料,會員檔案、消費記錄、購物偏好等數據自動同步至整合的數據庫中,打破線上線下瓶頸。

Rapid App Launch: Powered by Motherapp’s Loyalty Platform, allowing a smooth, efficient rollout serving tens of thousands of kapok members.
快速推出:應用 Motherapp Loyalty Platform 程式框架,支持應用程式快速推出落成,服務數以萬計 kapok 會員。

club kapok

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