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Nina Club - Your One-stop Shopping Mall App Assistant - Motherapp
Nina Club – Your One-stop Shopping Mall App Assistant

Case study:
Nina Club – Your One-stop Shopping Mall App Assistant

Nina Club 如心廣場 - 您的一站式購物助手

Nina Club – One-stop Shopping Mall App Assistant 一站式購物助手


STEP 1. Background

Including the headquarters and the important flagship mall of Chinachem, Nina Mall is located at the core area of Tsuen Wan West and connected to other main shopping malls and the MTR station. Chinachem wants to make great use of the advantages of the footbridge network and the nearby MTR station, to develop Nina Mall as a new popular leisure mall in Tsuen Wan. Therefore, before establishing phase two of the mall, Chinachem would like to develop a shopping mall app for the mall’s loyalty program, to attract customers and enhance their loyalty. Shopping information will also be provided to the users in order to generate a better shopping experience.
Nina Mall
Image Source: https://www.thestandard.com.hk/section-news/fc/1/200242/Recasting-the-business


STEP 2. Business Challenge

  • Analysis on target customers: The target customers of Nina Mall are mainly office staff, the consumers, and the residents in Tsuen Wan district. Everyone goes to Nina Mall for different reasons, so their expectations will also be different. Therefore, to fulfill the needs and wants of different groups of target customers, we need to spend more time on the function and interface design of the application.
  • Combining physical mall facilities: Nina Mall hopes to provide a one-stop shopping experience to the customers via the shopping mall app, so as to assist shoppers on different aspects. For instance, customers may want to know whether there are enough parking spaces at the moment, the location of a particular restaurant, or even make a booking through the application. Nina Mall would like us to combine the physical mall facilities with the data acquired, and provide various information to the customers with the application.
  • Complicated loyalty rewards claiming process: Before launching the application, Nina mall relied on the receptionists to check the loyalty points and redeem rewards for the customers. The whole process is troublesome and complicated, especially on holidays, the guests may need to wait for ten minutes or above to deal with the parking offer or loyalty points registration. Hence, to tackle this problem, Nina Mall would like to automate the loyalty process and increase efficiency.
  • Tight Schedule: Normally, our team takes about half a year to develop and launch a brand new application. However, due to the tight schedule, we only had six months for development. The limitation of time was a great challenge for us.


STEP 3. The Solution

  • Considerate UX and UI designs: To fulfill the different needs of the target groups, we conducted detailed marketing research before application development. We found out the most wanted and used functions of the customers and put them on the homepage of the application, including Food and Beverage, E-Ticket, Points Registration, and Points Redemption. These functions are illustrated in some circle icons in the middle of the home page, users may easily and quickly look for these features. Apart from that, we have listed other mostly-used functions in the tab of the shopping mall app, such as parking, shopping information (along with the detailed floor plan), loyalty points balance, membership QR code, and reservation status of the restaurants. All actions can be finished in just a few clicks. Using the native application developing method, excessive loading time is saved, the application can be run more smoothly.
    Nina Club Shopping Mall App
  • Combination with the information of physical facilities: We have included different information of the facilities in Nina Mall, from the shop catalog, mall floor plan to the real-time parking and restaurant information. Other than regular information of Nina Mall, Nina Club makes great use of the real-time data tracking technology, connected to the sensor at the parking lot entrance, to calculate the available spaces of mall 1 and mall 2 for the drivers, so they can seek for another parking spot if the parking lot was full. The real-time technology is also applied to the remote ticketing and booking functions, users may make a booking in the application before arriving at the restaurant to save the waiting time.
  • Enhance the earn and burn efficiency with digitalization: After digitizing the loyalty platform, customers may claim loyalty points by themselves on Nina Club shopping mall app. Users only have to click in the “Points Registration” interface and fill in the store name, receipt date, and amount spent, then upload an image of the receipts to register for loyalty points. The points will be saved in the user account after verification. Of course, the points redemption process is also digitized, users may claim their rewards directly via Nina Club application, e-coupons will be given to the users and they can use them directly in the stores for discounts. Not only can digitalization reduce the possible error caused by manual point input, but the reliance on receptionists will also be decreased, enhancing efficiency. We have also developed a CMS application for the receptionists, to assist them to transfer the loyalty points information to the computer system and accelerate the manual registration process.Nina Club Shopping Mall App
  • Use of application engine: Due to the tight schedule, we learned from the past experience and made the project become smoother. Scrum methodology is used to keep the team flexible, autonomous, and objective-oriented. Apart from that, we have also used our engine, Motherapp Loyalty Platform, to quickly apply the loyalty model design, version, codings, and interface into Nina Mall application, increasing the development efficiency.


STEP 4. The Results

  • Loved by users: Apart from on-time delivery, Nina Club received positive feedback from the users in Appstore and Google Play. In 5 stars, Nina Clun has received 4.4 stars (Appstore) and 4.2 stars (Google Play) ratings on average. We can see that the users are satisfied with the shopping mall app by the comments about our good and simple interface design and the versatile functions that suit their needs.
  • On-time delivery: With Agile Development, Scrum methodology and the help of Motherapp Loyalty Platform, The flexibility, and swiftness of our developing process remains high, resulting in on-time delivery.
  • Application on real-time technology: The parking lot status function made great use of real-time technology, providing instant information on the availability of parking spaces, which is a breakthrough among the loyalty program applications.
    Nina Club Shopping Mall App
  • Overall data analysis: Before Nina Club existed, we conducted wide market research with big data to find out more about the customer information of Nina Mall. Using big data technology, we have acquired the basic demographic data, such as age groups, money spending amounts, and even the reason why a specific age group became the target customer group. This data is useful in assisting Nina Mall in composing different marketing strategies for its target groups in the future, to optimize its profit in the long term.


Read More: Link Up by Link REIT – Linking Daily Life with Link Shopping Mall App

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Nina Club 如心廣場 — 您的一站式購物助手


第一步. 個案背景

Nina Mall
Image Source: https://www.thestandard.com.hk/section-news/fc/1/200242/Recasting-the-business


第二步. 個案挑戰

  • 目標顧客分析:如心廣場的目標顧客多為附近上班族、荃灣大型商場網絡內的消費者,以及到商場用餐的附近居民。這些目標顧客到如心廣場的目的各異,所期望的功能也各有不同。因此,為貼合當區的不同目標顧客群組的使用習慣和方式,我們需要在應用程式的功能和介面設計上花更多心思。
  • 整合實體商場設施:如心廣場希望能透過這個應用程式為消費者提供一站式的購物體驗,優化他們的購物旅程。例如了解到消費者對停車場車位的關註,希望能在抵達商場前得知當時是否有足夠車位供其泊車;希望能在線查閱商場樓層平面圖,尋找店鋪的確實位置;又或希望能在到達餐廳前提前透過應用程式取票/訂位等等。如心廣場希望我們能整合實體商場設施和數據,將這些資訊和功能添加到應用程式內,供用家查看即時查閱和使用。
  • 積分登記程序繁複:在應用程式推出前,商場需要依賴禮賓部去為顧客人手對照收據登記儲分及換取商場獎賞,過程繁複。若遇上假日人潮,更可能需在服務處排上十分鐘才能辦理好免費泊車優惠或登記儲分。因此如心廣場希望能將積分登記和獎賞換領過程自動化,提升效率。
  • 時間緊迫:在一般情況下,一個團隊大約需要大半年至一年多的時間去開發和推出一款全新的應用程式。但由於推出日期的逼近,我們只有不到半年的時間便要推出 Nina Club 應用程式。有限的時間對我們來說也是一項相當大的挑戰。


第三步. 團隊方案

  • 針對目標顧客的介面和用戶體驗設計 (UI & UX design):為了開發出能迎合到當區不同目標顧客群組的應用程式,我們對如心廣場的顧客群進行了深入的市場研究,找出當前顧客最希望擁有和使用到的功能和設計元素。我們將幾個顧客最常用到的功能置設在應用程式的首頁,包括:美食薈萃、遙控取票、登記積分和換領獎賞,並以簡約的圓形圖標將這些功能顯示於首頁的中央,顯眼而清楚,即使是初次使用的用家也能快速找到這些功能。此外,我們分別在應用程式的上下兩列將其他常用功能一一列出,例如泊車、店舖資訊(連同商場平面圖詳細位置)、積分餘額、會員卡二維碼、已取票或訂座的餐廳等。所有功能都能在幾下操作內完成,方便用家在短時間內查看資訊/儲分/搖控取票。Nina Club 應用程式以原生應用程式 (Native App) 方式開發,避免了不必要的加載時間,使用家能更流暢地使用程式內的各種功能。
    Nina Club Shopping Mall App
  • 整合實體設施資訊:應如心廣場要求,我們在應用程式內添加了各種商場實體設施資訊,從店鋪目錄、商場平面圖到實時泊車位資訊和取票系統,應有盡有。在一般商場設施資訊以外,Nina Club 應用程式更突破地應用了實時技術。實時泊車位資訊整理系統在停車場加裝感應器紀錄下車輛的出入數量。從而推算出實時停出場尚餘車位,並在應用程式內的「泊車」欄位實時為用家提供商場一期及二期的最新尚餘車位數目。方便駕車前往如心廣場的消費者及辦公室租戶能在抵達商場前獲得最新的泊車資訊,以決定行程/尋找替代停車場。

  • 利用數碼化提升 Earn and Burn 效率:在加入數碼化積分登記程序後,顧客能直接透過 Nina Club 應用程式自行登記購物積分。用家只需要按下位於首頁的「登記積分」圓形圖標,點擊上傳收據並選擇購物時的付款方式,只需要簡單輸入店鋪、發票日期及金額,再拍照上傳收據影像,便完成購物積分登記。在驗證收據影像後,積分便會自動存入用戶帳戶。被數碼化的當然不只有登記積分程序,積分換領程序同樣能做到。用家能直接透過 Nina Club 應用程式以積分換領獎賞,電子優惠券能直接使用,用家在換領後能直接到商店消費,扣減折扣。

自動化程序除了能減低由人手輸入積分可能造成的誤差,還能減少對禮賓部的依賴,提升效率。我們還同步研發了專供商場禮賓部職員使用的 CMS 應用程式,同步客戶積分資料到禮賓部職員的平板電腦系統上,進一步加快人手登記程序。
    Nina Club Shopping Mall App
  • 應用引擎框架提升開發效率:由於開發時間張迫,我們總結了以往開發同類忠實顧客平台的經驗,開發過程變得更得心應手。我們應用了 Scrum 工作模式,讓團隊保持高度的彈性、自主性以及目標導向的精神,提升了開發的整體效率。除此以外,我們亦運用了自家忠誠顧客計劃平台引擎 Motherapp Loyalty Platform 作為開發時的框架,應用程式設計、版本、編碼及介面都能透過 Aillia 引擎框架快速應用到新應用程式開發程序中,使整個開發程序變得更有效率。


第四步. 最終成果

  • 程式深受用戶喜愛:除了能在限期前成功開發和準時推出外,Nina Club 應用程式亦在 App StoreGoogle Play 應用程序商店裡收獲用家的正面評分和評論。應用程式在 5 星評分中分別得到平均 4.4 (App Store) 和 4.2 (Google Play) 星的評價,顯示了整體使用者對應用程式的滿意度。大部分使用者均認為程式擁用簡約的介面設計,功能亦齊全方便,符合他們的使用需要。
  • 準時完成:在敏捷式開發 (Agile Development)、Scrum 工作模式和 Motherapp Loyalty Platform 引擎框架的協助下,我們團隊能在開發過程中保持高度彈性,增強了我們在開發階段的靈活性和敏捷性,使計劃最後能夠按時完成並啟動。
    Nina Club Shopping Mall App
  • 全面的市場分析數據:在正式開發 Nina Club 應用程式前,為了了解更多如心廣場的背景和顧客資訊。我們為如心廣場進行了一次大規模的市場分析和研究。運用大數據收集了顧客的基本人口背景資料以及消費數據,分析了如心廣場的主要消費年齡層、消費金額、以至該年齡層會成為主要消費族群的原因等分析⋯⋯ 方便如心廣場日後制定各種市場策劃時,能更具針對性地實施不同的營銷手段到不同的顧客群組,以獲取最多的營銷效益。這些數據的用途不只局限於這一次 Nina Club 應用程式的開發程序,商場方亦能在日後任何時候應用這些數據制定各種市場和營銷策劃。


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