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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Computer Vision - Motherapp

Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Computer Vision



Q1: What equipment do I need to prepare if I would like to develop a computer vision system? 

A1: Images are the key to computer vision, they need to be clear enough to let the computer recognize the objects from them. Therefore, if you are going to install a computer vision system, it is better to prepare a camera with at least 1080p resolution, to obtain better results. 

Q2: To let the system recognize the target object accurately, how much data or photos do I need to prepare?

A2: The required data amount depends on the object types. If you are going to recognize some objects that are rare and special, it might take up to around 1000 samples for the computer to learn. Some objects have been recognized before, such as people or vehicles, that would require fewer samples for the computer to learn and recognize the objects accurately.

Q3: How long does it take to develop a complete computer vision system?

A3: It also depends on your project type. If the project type is new and needs more data for system training, the whole setup time for the computer vision would be around 3 months. If the target objects have already been learned before, you may be able to save up to half of the time. 

Q4: How to ensure the data used in the machine learning process are well-protected?

A4: The data, especially the confidential ones, will be kept in your internal server under any circumstances. If you are collaborating with Motherapp, our duties will not involve access to the confidential data of your company. Hence, your data will be safe and untouched even though you are developing a computer vision system.

Q5: After launching the system, what do we need to pay attention to? 

A5: There are two major follow-up actions to take after the project is finished. If there are any situations of malfunction, maintenance needs to be done, the common malfunction situations are the server breakdown, camera damage, or the system failing to recognize objects. Another action would be an enhancement. When there are new needs and requirements, you might need to make enhancements to the existing system. If you are running the project in a traditional way, complex codings are needed to set a new command for the system. Yet, with the help of the BYOAI platform, you can make enhancements to the system at ease.