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Carbon Wallet Rebranding a Green Lifestyle Community - Motherapp

Carbon Wallet Rebranding a Green Lifestyle Community


[The Chinese version follows the English one. 中文版在底部]


Green Lifestyle Community: Carbon Wallet’s Rebranding

Carbon Wallet rebranding

After launching its application after more than a year, our partner our partner Carbon Wallet made some significant changes to their logos, colors, and designs, relocating their brand’s image and fulfilling their core value. From “Green in, Green out” to “Make Green Lifestyle Fun”, let’s take a look at some green lifestyle community rebranding works carried out by the team.


Brand New Logo, Brand New Image

We can first see a circle formed by three leaves in different colors from the new logo of the Carbon Wallet. The leaves represent a variety of fun eco lifestyles, and the concept of recycling, such as economical recycling and reproduction. 


Carbon Wallet rebranding

With comparison, we can see that the original logo contains more elements. (such as the green colors that represent the green lifestyle with two cute mascots.); The new logo is undoubtedly more simple and direct, the users will already know what the core value that the brand is promoting once they look at the logo. 


Apart from the brand colors and logo, there are also updates on the UX and UI designs. 

Brand new UI Designs

The whole user-interface design of Carbon Wallet has changed. Instead of putting a big mascot on the home page, the home page turned into a dashboard and demonstrate the CW points, carbon dioxide-reducing data, and other achievements of the users. Users will then find the latest news, progress, and missions when they scroll down the home page. The design allows users to check on their activeness only by accessing the homepage. 

Before the updates, the interface was green just like the logo, and the upper part of the homepage was a mascot that cheers up the users. But now, the new interface is clearer and more professional. Instead of making the mascot inform the users about the amount of CO2 lowered by the users, the new design demonstrates the small items and missions for the users, so that the users will be more satisfied with the contribution they have made to the environment.

green lifestyle community rebranding

Apart from the new UI design of the homepage, the “Happenings” tab and the “Partners” tab in Carbon Wallet have also been redesigned for a better user experience. For example, on the main page of “Partners”, there are introductions of all collaborated organizations, as well as labels that catagorized the partners (such as recycle partners or green merchant partners), and their related rewards or green events provided in Carbon Wallet. The best part is that users may directly enter the rewards page and or the mission page from the main page, making it more convenient for users who only wanted to participate in a particular collaborated event. 

green lifestyle community rebranding


Enhanced functionality and green lifestyle community experience

When Carbon Wallet was first launched, there are only a few similar events and rewards. Over the year, the reward partners keep increasing, and the events, missions, and rewards in Carbon Wallet have covered transportation, green shopping, green dining, e-co tour, and so on. The CW points redeeming method has also become more convenient and versatile, letting the users experience the different green lifestyles in Carbon Wallet.


Green Lifestyle Missions: Tutorials of Carbon Wallet

There are various point-redeeming events in the application, users may collect CW points by achieving different goals. The functionalities might be too complicated for new users. Therefore, Carbon Wallet introduced a new mission interface to guide new users on participating in events and redeeming points. Original users can also try using new functions (such as linking their Octopus Card or earning points by taking MTR), and earn extra CW points. 


Automatically earn points: Syncing the transporting record with Octopus Card

MTR is the public transport that emits the least carbon dioxide per kilometer. After updating, Carbon Wallet allows users to link their Octopus with their accounts. When they take the MTR with the registered Octopus card, the application will automatically transfer the transportation record in their Octopus card to the traveled distance. The traveled distance will be catagorized into 5 different levels and the users may earn corresponding CW points every month. 


Double rewards: Earning points and rewards from two loyalty platforms at the same time

In the past, users will only earn CW points when they participate in the Carbon Wallet events, and the CW points can only be used to redeem rewards within Carbon Wallet. But now, Carbon Wallet can earn more than that: By participating in the crossover event, users may earn CW points and points in the collaborator’s loyalty program. Some of the crossover events include

  • Foodpanda: After using the reusable Foodpanda lunchbox, users may earn CW points and a $10 Foodpanda voucher.
  • L’OCCITANE: After recycling empty product bottles, users may earn L’OCCITANE MEGA and CW Points at the same time.


Successful limited event: Promoting well-rounded green consumption as a green lifestyle community

From August to October 2022, Carbon Wallet collaborated with L’OCCITANE and launched a campaign called “L’OCCITANE x Carbon Wallet Beauty Bottle Recycling Rewarding Program”, which aims at recycling 10,000 empty beauty bottles within 3 months. The event was successful and recycled more than 140,000 empty beauty bottles. During the event, users who participated in both Carbon Wallet and L’OCCITANE’s MEGA can earn extra 1000 CW Points for both platforms. Apart from promoting beauty bottle recycling, Carbon Wallet users may also be rewarded an aluminum bottle when they shop naked in L’OCCITANE, which encourages users to support the concept of “Bringing your own bags or containers”, so as to reduce waste.

green lifestyle community rebranding


Carbon Wallet has made a great evolution in brand image, user experience, and user interface after rebranding. If the program was an independent green loyalty application, it is now a green lifestyle community, bringing different brands together, enhancing the attractiveness and versatility of the application, and recruiting more new users, so that a stronger community of green lifestyle will grow bigger and bigger. If you are planning to build a loyalty application like Carbon Wallet, feel free to read more about our insights and case studies, as well as visit our website.


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重塑全新環保生活圈 – Green Lifestyle Community Carbon Wallet 的 Rebranding

green lifestyle community rebranding

最近,我們的合作夥伴 Carbon Wallet 在平台推出一年多後,迎來了一個大脫變,更換了品牌的主色和設計元素,重新塑造了品牌形象,完善了品牌的核心價值。從「Green In, Green Out」到「Make Green Lifestyle Fun」,讓我們一起看看團隊都做了什麼變革吧!


全新的品牌 Logo,全新的形象

從新 Logo 中。我們一眼就能看見一個由三塊不同顏色的葉片組成的圓。團隊除了想透過成圈的三色葉片來表達更多元及繽紛活潑的環保生活外,還代表了循環的概念,包括循環經濟及循環再造。

Carbon Wallet rebranding

比起應用程式原本 Logo 內集齊的眾多元素(如代表環保生活的綠色、兩隻可愛的吉祥物…);改造後的 Logo 無疑更簡潔直接,使用者在接觸 Carbon Wallet 的第一時間已能掌握到品牌想要傳遞的核心概念。


除了更變品牌代表色及 Logo,當然少不了應用程式內的界面設計 (UI) 及使用者體驗 (UX) 更新。

全新的版面設計 (UI Design)

應用程式有了和過往完全不同的全新介面,比起以往透過吉祥物來鼓勵用家身體力行實踐環保,現在主頁面會直接變成一塊控制面板 (Dashboard)。上半部份是減碳成就方框,強調用家現有的 CW 積分和減碳數字;繼續向下滑動便能連結到如最新動態、我的進度、任務等不同功能,用家可以直接在主畫面中點擊進入查看任何活動或自己詳細的減碳紀錄和進度。

回到更新前,App 內界面設計的主色和 Logo 一樣為綠色,主頁面的上半部分則由吉祥物佔領,由它告訴用家現時的減碳量和為用家打氣。相較之下,新界面能給人更加明確、專業的感覺,比起由吉祥物告知減碳總數,顯示每一個細項能讓用家更加清楚平日減碳旅程的每一小步,更有滿足感及成就感。

green lifestyle community rebranding

除了主畫面有了全新的UI Design,應用程式在「減碳活動 (Happenings)」及「合作夥伴 (Partners)」這兩大頁面都有完善其介面設計。 例如合作夥伴的主頁:內裏會有各夥伴的機構簡介、使用標籤標明該夥伴屬於那一種環保夥伴(例如屬於回收夥伴、環保購物夥伴等)、在應用程式內與該機構相關的減碳活動和獎賞。值得留意的是,用家可以直接從合作夥伴的主頁中,前往已連結的減碳活動及獎賞頁面,整個瀏覽過程更直覺方便,亦方便了一些只想參與個別合作夥伴活動的用家。

green lifestyle community rebranding



Carbon Wallet 程式剛推出的時候,活動和獎賞仍較單一;但隨著合作夥伴不斷增加,現已涵蓋至乘車、綠色購物、素食、生態活動等各項綠色生活行為,儲分方式及換領獎賞的玩法也多了不少。用家可以透過使用應用程式體驗到更加多樣的環保生活。

任務系統:App 功能入門教學

App 內有各種積分活動,用戶可以透過達成不同環保目標收集積分。對剛剛加入、仍未熟悉程式功能的新用戶而言,難免會有點眼花撩亂。有見及此,團隊在這次更新中加入了任務系統,新手用家可以跟着任務內的教學,一步一步嘗試使用程式功能和參加活動;舊用家則可以透過任務系統試用新功能(如連結八達通、乘搭港鐵賺分等),還能賺取額外積分。

自動記分 – 八達通卡乘車紀錄同步

港鐵是每公里碳排放最低的公共交通工具。更新後,只要將八達通連結到 Carbon Wallet,乘搭港鐵後,程式便會自動根據八達通車程紀錄轉換成相對的公里數,每月按公里分為 5 個等級換取相應  CW 積分。

雙重獎賞 – 同時賺取兩個計劃的積分/獎賞

過往用戶參與程式內 Carbon Wallet 的活動,只會獲得CW積分,用作兌換 App 內的獎賞;現在新增了多一款玩法:參與聯乘活動可以同時賺取CW積分和夥伴品牌自家計劃的積分及獎賞,兩邊都能獲取積分。合作活動如…

  • Foodpanda:用戶在使用 Foodpanda 的可重用餐盒後,回收可以同時領取CW積分及$10 Foodpanda 現金劵。
  • L’OCCITANE:回收美容空瓶可以同時賺取 L’Occitane MAGA 及CW積分

成功的限時活動 – 推廣全面的環保消費

在 2022 年的 8-10 月,Carbon Wallet 與美容護膚品牌 L’OCCITANE 合作,推出「L’OCCITANE x Carbon Wallet 美容空瓶回收計劃換獎賞」企劃,目標在三個月內回收一萬個美容空瓶。而活動最後超額完成,回收了十四萬多個美容空瓶。在活動期間,參與了的 Carbon Wallet 和 L’OCCITANE 的會員都可以額外獲得1,000 CW積分,再同時透過回收空瓶賺取兩個平台的雙重積分。除了推廣空瓶回收,Carbon Wallet 會員在 L’OCCITANE 購買裸買產品時還會獨家獲贈一個環保鋁瓶,鼓勵會員在日後多支持裸買消費模式,源頭減廢。

green lifestyle community rebranding


Rebranding 後的 Carbon Wallet 不論在品牌形象、使用體驗及程式介面都迎來了重大成長。如果說更新前它是一個獨立的環保生活儲分 App,那麼現在它是一整個環保生活生態圈。透過加強與不同品牌之間的合作,增加程式的吸引力和多樣性,吸引更多新用定註冊及集結更多來恆常用家。如果你對開發類似的 Loyalty App 感興趣,歡迎閱讀更多我們過往相關的 Insights 文章個案研究,亦可前往我們的網站了解更多。


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