WhatsApp Number
User-centric App Development 05.12.2017
How to capture the loyalty of today’s consumers? 01.12.2017
Maximize Sales with Recommendation Engines 23.11.2017
Pathway to Enrichment Project 活出豐盛計劃 22.11.2017
What is deep learning and how can it be applied? 14.11.2017
WTIA Connected City Conference 2017 13.11.2017
Motherapp at Airport Authority’s Technovation Conference 2017 06.11.2017
[Motherapp featured on Oriental Daily News 東方日報] 香港搞邊科:手機App開發商謀轉戰AI 25.07.2017
Motherapp X Ericsson: IoT Seminar for Housing Authority 20.07.2017
Technology project sharing with student 14.07.2017
Ocean Park & PowerArena featured on Enterprise Innovation 2017 30.06.2017
We Presented at the 15th ITS Asia-Pacific Forum 30.06.2017