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HK Tourism Board's Latest Reward Events - Motherapp

HK Tourism Board’s Latest Reward Events


[The Chinese version follows the English one. 中文版在底部]


The tourism board boosted the tourism industry and local consumption with the Hot Summer Deals event this summer. In November, the Tourism Board launched three events in a roll after the success of Hot Summer Deals aimed to further motivate the circulation of Hong Kong’s economy. Let’s take a look at some recent events by the Hong Kong Tourism Board that made use of the coupon redeeming platforms!


Wine & Dine Festival 2022

The Wine & Dine Festival is a grand gourmet event in Hong Kong that takes place in November every year. Yet, since the pandemic in 2019, the festival has been moved online, and thereby fewer participants are attending. Since participants cannot actually enjoy wine and dine service in a physical space, the event has already lost its attractiveness. Therefore, to attract users and raise their interest in Hong Kong’s signature cuisines. The tourism board used the coupon redeeming platform again and sent out over 50,000 coupons to citizens. The coupon came from over 500 collaborating restaurants and bars, participants may enjoy a cocktail and a snack for free in selected restaurants. The e-coupons are to provide creative cocktails in Hong Kong, not only can the restaurants and bars increase their exposure among local citizens, but since the tourism industry is starting to revive, the tourists may also enjoy the online Wine & Dine festivals.


Local Tours Hong Kong 2022

Apart from the wine-and-dine event, the tourism board has launched another event called “Local Tours Hong Kong” to promote the tourism industry in Hong Kong further. This time, the tourism board provided over 170 Hong Kong local tour offers including eco-tour, historical tours, and so on. Yet, unlike any other events, this time participants are required to spend over $800 in selected retail stores or restaurants and then pay $100 for a deposit for the free tour. Receipts of spending must be proved to get back the $100 after the tour is finished. In this way, the tourism board can promote Hong Kong attractions and encourage participants to shop simultaneously while boosting the tourism industry and the retail industry.



Staycation Delights

Right after the Local Tour event, the tourism board immediately launched another event about a staycation in Hong Kong. This time, the event is aimed to boost the hotel industry in Hong Kong. Still, the event requires citizens to spend $800 on selected merchants to enjoy tempting discounts and offers in star-rating hotels like Harbour Grand Hotel, Grand Hyatt Hong Kong, or even Disneyland Hotel Resorts.

HK tourism board

The redeeming process is similar to Local Tour Hong Kong, but this time the hotels are the focus. The two events can both provide an O2O channel for local merchants and hotels to promote their businesses. The event period is from 29 November to 26 February. The event is so popular that the majority of coupons are already redeemed. If you are interested, act fast and grab yours from: https://www.discoverhongkong.com/hk-eng/deals/in-town-offers/staycation-delights.html

HK tourism board

Read More: [Case study] Multiple Merchant Reward System – One-stop Offers Collection Platform

Read More: Motherapp provides technical support for the HKTB’s Hong Kong Night Treats




美酒佳餚巡禮 Wine & Dine Festival 2022

於每年11月舉行的美酒佳餚巡禮是香港盛大的美食盛事。 然而,自疫情以來,美酒佳餚巡禮轉移至線上,參加者大大減少,無法實體享受到美酒佳餚使這項活動失去了其吸引力。有見及此,為了吸引更多平台用家及提升他們對本地代表佳餚的興趣,旅發局再次利用同一平台向市民發放5萬多張優惠券。這些優惠券來自超過500家合作食肆及酒吧,參加者可憑券在指定餐廳免費享用雞尾酒和小食。優惠券也包括特色創意雞尾酒,本地餐廳和酒吧不只可借此活動提升自身的知名度,還能藉着旅遊復蘇讓旅客一同感受美酒佳餚巡禮的魅力。

「賞你遊」香港本地遊 2022

除了美酒佳餚巡禮,旅遊局還推出了另一項名為「賞你遊 (Local Tours Hong Kong)」的活動,進一步在推廣本地旅遊。旅遊局今次推出了超過170個本地旅遊團,包括生態遊、文化歷史遊等。與以往其他活動的差別是,參與者需要在指定的零售店或餐廳消費超過滿 $800,外加按金 $100 就能參加免費的旅遊團,他們在旅行團結束後便可以用使用消費的單據取回按金。如此一來,旅遊局可以做到在宣傳本地特色的同時,鼓勵參加者消費,同時帶動旅遊和零售業發展。



本地遊活動一完結,旅發局便立即發起了另一項在港的宅度假活動「賞你住」。宅渡假活動需要市民在指定商戶消費滿 $800,便能享受海逸君悅酒店、香港君悅酒店甚至是迪士尼樂園度假酒店等星級酒店的誘人折扣優惠。

HK tourism board

兌換優惠券的過程與「賞你遊」類似,但「賞你住」活動是以酒店為主,這兩個活動都可以成為本地商家及本地酒店的其中一項 O2O 服務渠道,有助幫助本地商家推廣自身品牌。活動時間是11月29日至2月26日,而且非常受市民歡迎,大部分優惠券都已被兌換完畢。如果你對此活動感興趣,可盡快前往這裡兌換屬於你的宅渡假優惠券:

HK tourism board

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閱讀更多:Motherapp 為旅發局「香港夜饗樂」Hong Kong Night Treats 活動提供技術支援