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Carbon Wallet on the App Store, congratulations! - Motherapp

Carbon Wallet on the App Store, congratulations!


Today’s Earth Day! As an Apple’s service user, have you seen this ad before?

Carbon Wallet

We are very happy to share with you that our green lifestyle app partner – Carbon Wallet is now being featured on the App Store, congratulations!

The app makes use of various activities-based daily missions to quantify and visualize our green habits, to provide users with a more specific and concrete goal to persevere in behaving eco-friendly.

In celebration of Earth Day, you can now earn double points in Carbon Wallet for recycling and green dining. Let’s join the family and step forward for the environment! 

If you would like to learn more about the journey of app development, feel free to check out our case study as well as more insight articles on our website!




今天是地球日,作為蘋果用家的一員的你,在這幾天有印象在 App Store 看過這個推廣嗎?

Carbon Wallet

很高興我們的合作夥伴 – 減碳應用程式 Carbon Wallet 登上了香港地區 App Store 的首頁推廣,恭喜!

應用程式利用不同減碳任務 (activities-based) 量化及可視化我們的減碳行為,為用家提供更具體及明確的減碳目標,從而協助用家持之以恆實踐環保。

為慶祝地球日,現時 Carbon Wallet 為回收及光顧素食餐廳作紀錄贈送雙倍積分。你也一起加入CW家庭,為環保踏出你的一小步,我們共同的一大步吧!

想了解更多關於開發時的細節,歡迎按此閱讀我們的 Case Study,以及按此瀏覽更多有關不同商業及科技議題更新的 insight 文章!