Motherapp is delighted to be an exhibitor and speaker for the Hong Kong IoT Conference 2018 on the 6th of June 2018 amongst other notable industry leaders from both Hong Kong and around the world.
The conference served as an efficient platform for industry practitioners to discover how IoT is adopted to meet different market needs and to exchange expertise. With over 500 experts and industry practitioners, the conference covered a vast range of topics on information technology in application to the city’s smarter growth.
Topics include: Smart Healthcare, Smart Business and Smart Mobility.
We showcased our multi award-winning platform, PowerArena – a smart operations solution, to various distinguished guests and government officials, as well as some of our recent case studies in Hong Kong that have seen much success:
Pictured: Mr Nicholas Yang, GBS, JP, Secretary for Innovation and Technology and Ir. Allen Yeung, JP, Government Chief Information Officer learning about our smart city Solution offerings.

Alan Hung, our Director of Digital Innovation, was also invited to be a conference speaker at the conference amongst other notable IoT advocates in Hong Kong. Alan shared about Motherapp’s IoT and AI technologies, and its application in our product development and client projects for Hong Kong’s smart city initiatives.To find out more about our award-winning Smart City solution, click here.
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