Our CEO, Ken Law was recently invited to speak at the “Less Artificial, More Intelligence” symposium organised in conjunction by MIT and the Taiwan Epoch Foundation.
Attended by various Taiwan business leaders, MIT professors and other entrepreneurs, the topic theme of the conference was on the positive utilisation of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in enhancing the quality of, and in complementing, the output of human-led tasks in our society.
Ken shared his views on the blindspots of Industry 4.0 in his speech, and its overemphasis on pure machine productivity as opposed to a fitting focus on collaborative process productivity between humans and machines, and it reconciles the message of the HBR article that “organizations that use machines merely to displace workers through automation will miss the full potential of AI.”

Other highlights of the symposium:
- Barry Lam, Chairman & CEO of Quanta, shared his story about the successful collaboration between Quanta, MIT & Epoch Foundation, and how his initial belief n computing technology paid off.
- Prof. Vivienne Sze from MIT, presented her views on making AI computation up to 100 times more energy-efficient by designing chips specifically for deep learning algorithms and to limit the access of RAM.
- Prof. Yasheng Huang from MIT Sloan School Management closed off the symposium with his view on the US-China trade war (with conflicts in Politics, Technology and Economy) and its difference with previous US-Japan (without conflicts in Politics) and US-USSR (without conflicts in Economy) trade wars.
If you are interested to learn more about Industry 4.0 technology, and how it can be a perfect fit in your workplace or operations, feel free to get in touch us.