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Technologies for Better Life - 4 Article Series - Motherapp

Technologies for Better Life – 4 Article Series



Technology keeps advancing in the modern world. Apart from making our lives more convenient, some technologies have also increased our productivity and ensured our safety under different circumstances. In the following four articles, we will discuss some revolutionary science and technology inventions that help us to overcome obstacles and live a better life in four main categories.


Medical and Health

The whole new AI technologies, as well as other medical technologies, may assist the medical staff in hospital operations, body checking, treatment, and follow-up, so as to use medical resources more effectively and more patients may access medical services. Apart from the hospitals, the medical staff may even make use of special lenses with a well-developed mobile application to perform retina checks for patients living in a remote area, or even in third-world countries, so that they can be diagnosed and seek treatment earlier. Apart from that, a lot of application developers are now designing medical and health-related applications to assist the disabled in their daily lives. There are also some applications that help their relatives and caretaker manage their different health statuses and data.

Peek Retina

Read more: Technology for better life #1 – Medical and Health


Technology for Live-saving in Emergencies

Although the world might seem peaceful overall, apart from the war between Ukraine and Russia these days, there are a lot of unnoticed military conflicts in third-world countries, and a lot of victims are still encountering fatal emergencies. In the warzone, information sharing and telecommunication are very important. The military may track down the strategies of the enemies by radio content analysis and satellite imagery technology, so that they may take corresponding actions and notify the victims to go to the hideouts via messengers using a mesh network. The Red Cross also developed an application called MapSwipe to gather help from users all around the world, so that the victims in warzones may use a detailed map as a reference when they are surviving the war fire. 

Mobile Mesh Network

Apart from the information sharing, when some victims are hurt, people nearby may also check the first-aid tutorial and steps to provide simple treatment to the injured victims. The chances of them being saved while they are waiting for the rescue team will be increased. The rescue team may also confirm the identity of the injured with the medical ID function within their smartphones, so as to adopt proper treatment methods. 

Read more: Technology for better life #2 – Live-saving in Emergencies


Outdoor safety

With the help of technology, we are now safer while we are outdoor. With location tracking technology, when someone is missing, their family and friends, and even rescue teams may find out about the GPS location of their phones and historical GPS locations, so as to estimate their current location and track them down as soon as possible. At the same time, applications like e-Care Link and Care-on-call service provided location tracking and emergency call service for the elderly, so that they can be taken care of in case they fainted. 

When we call for help but we are not able to provide our location, the emergency department can only estimate our location with the radio tower. Yet, with the GPS-based application, the emergency department can effectively track down our accurate locations, so that the rescuing effectiveness and speed will be enhanced. At the same time, when we feel insecure but do not necessarily have to call the police, there are applications that help us to send out a distressed signal without making the emergency call.


If unfortunately, we are trapped in the wild during a picnic, there are also applications that provide us with professional help and a survival guide while we are waiting for rescue. 

Read more: Technology for better life #3 – Outdoor Safety


Workplace Safety

Even with proper safety measures, there are still a lot of industrial accidents that happened everywhere in a year. With the application of smart workplace safety technology, the potential risk to employees can be detected and alarms can be sent to them as well. The employers may provide wearable devices to the employees so that their biological data like heart rate, temperature, and breathing rate can be tracked. The wearable devices can also detect the fall of employees with the tilt sensor so that the device can call for help automatically. The sensor can also be installed in the PPE of the workers, when the sensor is detecting high temperatures and toxic gas, an alert will be sent to employees.

Industries with low fault tolerance like the medical field, construction field, or the mining industry, may make use of VR to let employees experience the real workplace operations and receive training in a simulated environment.

Wearable Technology

Computer vision may capture and analyze images through the lenses installed in the workplace, and hence potential risks can be detected and alert the employees and the mechanic controllers. Apart from that, computer vision may be applied with other sensors to detect high temperatures and fires. The lenses may catagorized the color of the flame, if a fierce fire accident is detected, the fire distinguishing sprinkler will be triggered and the fire department can be contacted.

Read more: Technology for better life #4 – workplace safety | Robotic Technology for Firefighting: Fire Extinguishing Robot


The above are all 4 categories of the Technology for Better Life series. Please feel free to click on the “Read More” button for a detailed article about the technology used in different fields in our daily lives. Thanks for reading! If you are interested in more technology-related insights or case studies by Motherapp, feel free to click here for more.