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The Art of Business Analysis: Why Business Analysis is Indispensable in App Development - Motherapp

The Art of Business Analysis: Why Business Analysis is Indispensable in App Development


The Art of Business Analysis: Why Business Analysis is Indispensable in App Development


In the wave of digital transformation, apps are a crucial bridge for communication and interaction between businesses and consumers. As mentioned in our articles on User Experience Design and Project Management, companies develop various types of apps for different purposes, such as member apps to meet customer needs or internal management apps to improve work efficiency. Businesses decide to develop an app to solve different business problems. However, excellent design and strong technical support alone are not enough to ensure the success of an app development project. Business Analysis (BA) plays a crucial role in the app development process, ensuring that business needs are accurately realized and that projects can achieve their expected goals smoothly.

We had an in-depth conversation with the Business Analysis team at Motherapp to explore how BA helps app projects succeed and addresses common challenges during the project process.




What is Business Analysis?

Core Value of Business Analysis

Business Analysis (BA) is a process aimed at helping businesses identify needs and develop solutions. The main goal of BA is to ensure that every development decision accurately reflects the client’s business objectives, thereby improving development efficiency and accuracy.

BA’s role goes beyond the technical aspects, focusing more on the feasibility of business and solutions. This means that BA needs to understand the overall business operations and translate them into specific requirements and functions during development. For example, when a business wants to launch a new app, whether external or internal, BA will start from the client’s business perspective to help define specific needs and continuously adjust during the development process to ensure every step meets the business’s final goals.

Core Role of Business Analysis

A successful app relies not only on excellent technical development but also on precise identification of business needs. This is the core role of business analysis. Business analysts help clarify requirements through in-depth analysis and interviews, ensuring a clear direction is established in the early stages of the project. This not only avoids unnecessary changes later on but also significantly enhances project efficiency.

業務分析(Business Analysis, BA)

Therefore, BA’s work is not just about recording and discovering requirements; it also involves optimizing and revising them to help clients develop the most actionable solutions. If a company wants to develop an internal management app but is unclear about the core issues, the BA team will conduct multiple interviews and business process analyses to help narrow the scope, focusing on core functions that address pain points, ultimately facilitating smooth project progress. This avoids difficulties in implementation due to broad initial requirements.



The Role, Responsibilities, and Workflow of a Business Analyst

Preliminary Requirements Analysis

The primary responsibility of a BA is to conduct preliminary requirements analysis. This often involves in-depth conversations with clients to understand their business needs, challenges, and goals. BAs need to look beyond technical feasibility and help clients uncover overlooked requirements from different business scenarios and use cases. This step is crucial as it lays the foundation for the entire development process, ensuring every subsequent decision aligns with the overall goals.

Thus, in the early requirements analysis phase, BAs need to understand the client’s business goals and translate them into specific functional requirements. This often involves creating simple flowcharts to help the team and client understand the app’s functionality flow. BAs work closely with designers to prepare initial wireframes, showcasing the app’s interface and functional processes. These visual tools help ensure that all stakeholders have a clear understanding of the overall structure, aligning development with business objectives. This approach simplifies complex business needs, and ensures efficient resource allocation. When everyone agrees on the app’s flow, the development team can design and code more effectively, keeping the project on track and meeting client expectations.

Solution Development and Writing Functional Specifications

After requirements analysis, the next step for a BA is to detail the solution. During this phase, business analysts collaborate with other teams to confirm solutions with the teams responsible for specific functions, creating a detailed Functional Specification. This document covers all app features, from system workflows to specific business rules. This step is crucial for development teams to ensure technical development aligns with business needs.

業務分析(Business Analysis, BA)

The Functional Specification is not just a technical document; it’s also a communication tool that helps build consensus among teams and between teams and clients, ensuring everyone moves in the same direction. For example, when complex business rules are involved, BAs discuss with technical teams to ensure the implementation is both business-compliant and technically feasible.

Continuous Communication and Confirmation

Changes in requirements are almost inevitable during development. Another key responsibility of a BA is to maintain ongoing communication with clients and development teams to ensure changes are correctly understood and effectively implemented. This is not a one-time communication but a continuous process. BAs confirm requirements initially to ensure client understanding aligns with product features, gather desired outcomes through discussions, help find solutions to existing pain points, and balance technical feasibility with client expectations to ensure the final delivery meets business goals.



How Business Analysis Ensures Project Success

Adapting to Changing Requirements

In app development, requirements often change, especially when a company’s market environment or internal needs shift. If not handled properly, these changes can lead to project delays or budget overruns. A BA’s role is to flexibly and efficiently integrate these changes into the ongoing solution, minimizing their impact on development progress. This ensures a balance in project schedule and resource allocation, allowing changes to be implemented swiftly without compromising overall quality.

Through proactive planning and establishing effective communication mechanisms, business analysts help teams manage changes effectively. For example, if a client requests a new feature midway through development, the BA quickly assesses its impact on the project timeline and discusses the best implementation plan with the client, ensuring the change integrates smoothly without unnecessary delays.

Effective Communication with Clients

Good communication is key to successful app development. BAs communicate with various stakeholders, including clients, internal development teams, and design teams. By establishing transparent communication channels, clients are always informed of project progress and can make timely decisions regarding changes or technical challenges. While BAs may not be experts in app development, they understand which functional departments need to be involved for different issues and solutions.

In practice, this communication includes initial requirement confirmation meetings, pre-development functional specifications, and ongoing discussions during development. This allows BAs to gather new client requirements promptly and adjust plans to meet client needs. For example, during a membership app development, if the client is unsure about designing the user rewards system, the BA team helps optimize the system through regular discussions, resulting in a solution that enhances user engagement.

Scope Control and Risk Management

Scope creep is a common challenge in app development projects, where new ideas often emerge during discussions. The BA’s role is to help the project team control the scope, ensuring optimal use of resources and time while identifying and managing potential risks early in the project. BAs clearly define the scope for each phase and regularly discuss progress with the client to keep the project on track. For instance, in a complex app project, a BA helps the client eliminate unnecessary features through careful requirement analysis, ensuring the project is completed on time and within budget.



Common Challenges or Pitfalls in Business Analysis

Tight Deadlines

Project timelines are often a primary concern for clients. In app development, time pressure is inevitable, especially when market demands change rapidly. Businesses often aim to complete projects quickly to gain a market edge. However, this pressure can pose challenges to both project progress and quality.

In such situations, the role of a BA is crucial. They help manage and plan requirements from the start, ensuring the team prioritizes core features to address key business objectives within limited timeframes. For example, if a client needs to launch an app quickly due to a competitive market, a BA can conduct a rapid requirements analysis to focus resources on the most critical features, ensuring the product launches on time with essential user experience and functionality.

Indefinite Requirements

Clients often have unclear requirements at the project’s outset, particularly when a company is in an exploratory phase or the app’s purpose is not fully defined. This ambiguity can lead to slow progress or repeated revisions. Here, the BA plays a vital role by conducting meetings, interviews, and requirement analyses to help clients clarify their business goals and develop specific functional plans. This not only avoids frequent changes later but also ensures overall project efficiency. For instance, when developing an internal management app, a BA team can clarify key needs through in-depth discussions, translating them into clear functional specifications to keep development on track.

Adaptability to Requirement Changes

Requirement changes are unavoidable in app development due to shifts in market environment or internal strategies. If not managed well, these changes can significantly impact project timelines and resource allocation. A BA’s expertise lies in quickly adapting to these changes, ensuring minimal impact on project progress by adjusting scope and handling each change request flexibly. This adaptability ensures the project continues to run within planned resources and timelines. For example, if a client requests a major new feature due to market trends, the BA team can assess its impact and propose a solution that meets the requirement without disrupting the schedule.

業務分析(Business Analysis, BA)

Maintaining Openness and Flexibility

Maintaining an open mindset and flexibility is key to successful project development. Allowing some buffer in time and resources helps businesses handle unforeseen changes more effectively. This flexibility not only aids BAs in adjusting scope but also prevents projects from stalling due to minor changes.

When businesses are open to flexibility and maintain a positive attitude toward changes, projects tend to progress more smoothly. BAs engage in open discussions at every stage, helping clients anticipate potential changes and develop contingency plans. This way, when changes occur, clients can quickly respond and integrate them into the project. For instance, if a client faces a business direction shift during development, a BA can preemptively discuss possible change scenarios, allowing these changes to be seamlessly integrated without delaying the final delivery.



What Constitutes Successful Development from a Business Analysis Perspective?

業務分析(Business Analysis, BA)

From a business analysis viewpoint, a successful app development project not only delivers a product that meets technical specifications but also ensures customer satisfaction and achieves business goals. This means reaching the initial objectives, solving specific problems, and enhancing business performance through smooth team collaboration.

Firstly, the project must accurately address the client’s initial issues and meet their business goals. Success is achieved when the app effectively reflects business needs with minimal challenges. Even if some details differ from initial expectations, successful communication and flexibility in meeting core needs make the project a success.

Secondly, active participation and cooperation among team members are crucial. Quick responses and professional contributions from all team members enhance communication efficiency and ensure the project progresses smoothly. This collaborative environment ensures that the final product aligns well with client needs.

Lastly, beyond technical achievements, the project must bring practical business value. If the app enhances brand image, boosts revenue, or positively impacts business growth, it is undoubtedly successful. Whether improving internal operations or enhancing customer interactions, the project should meet the client’s expectations and drive business development.




In summary, business analysis plays an indispensable role in app development. From requirements analysis to scope control, BAs help businesses maintain flexibility during development and ensure the final product meets business needs. With their expertise and experience, business analysts provide comprehensive solutions, ensuring every project meets or exceeds client expectations.

For companies looking to develop apps, working closely with a BA not only enhances project efficiency but also avoids common development pitfalls. Through deep involvement in business analysis, companies can better achieve digital transformation goals and stand out in a competitive market.


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