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Customer Analytics, Customer Engagement Analytics | Motherapp
Maximise your customer data analytics with actionable insights to deliver and automate personalised messages

Maximise your customer data analytics with actionable insights to deliver and automate personalised messages

No marketer likes to see email bounces and unread newsletters – least of all cancelled subscriptions – after much time and effort spent crafting and addressing them. Yet, no user enjoys being spammed with unrelatable and irrelevant messages either.

The only way to have a conversation is to pique the interest of the other party. Marketing automation provides your team with the tools they need to deliver scalable yet personalised campaigns to users who actually want to see them, based on behavioural triggers.

The ease and simplification of such tools will also allow you to allocate your resources better, based on a real understanding of customer behaviour. Free your employees from performing repetitive and manual tasks with automation, and let them focus on driving interactions through crafting meaningful content that actually oils the engine.


Accurate Segmentation
Chart intimate micro-segmentation criteria based on a real understanding of user profiles, reachability, and behavioural patterns. Fed by live data across different segments, automation lets you focus on delivering quality interactions based on actual on-ground situations. Your content will be consistently delivered to the right place at the right time.


Journey Builder
An intuitive and easy-to-use drag & drop interface to map user workflows in lifecycle campaigns. You can merge these workflows across multiple channels to get a singular visual overview of the predicted path a user may take based on their past behaviour. This allows you to deliver responses with accuracy in real-time based on actual actions taken.


Happier Marketers
Marketers often lack the tools and resulting foresight to accurately discern customers across their lifecycle journey. This results in wasting much effort on trial and error, hits and misses. Thanks to segmentation, automation and micro-marketing, they can now focus their efforts on facilitating two-way communication instead of a wild goose chase.



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