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Customer Engagement FAQ | Motherapp
Customer Engagement FAQ

Customer Engagement FAQ

Learn how to provide a dedicated membership space for your loyal customers with a CRM loyalty app. Design one for your company with Motherapp today.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is customer relationship management (CRM)?

Customer relationship management (CRM) refers for the way in which a company interacts with its customers and clients. For example, many companies these days use loyalty apps to interact with their customers. Check out how we implemented the customer loyalty app for Hong Kong Express Airways.

What are CRM apps?

CRM apps can be as simple as a dedicated membership space for your customers, rewarding their loyalty and giving them benefits. CRM loyalty apps are useful as they identify repeat and loyal customers and provide a valuable pool of customers for you to market towards.

How important are CRM apps for customer loyalty?

CRM apps are not the only way to generate customer loyalty, however they are an asset for modern businesses. By carefully allocating your budget on current customers through a CRM app, you can foster their loyalty through rewards and privileges.

These same rewards are generated and offered by our own AI engines. They analyse customer behaviour and interactions to work out what offers and rewards will be most enticing for them. It is a hands-free way of pleasing your current customers and maintaining a good relationship with your current customers.

Why should I allocate budget to CRM rather than acquiring new customers?

Acquiring new customers can be costly. But statistics have shown that providing incentive towards your existing customers is a far better return on your investment.

What are the benefits of a CRM loyalty app platform?

Developing a CRM loyalty app can greatly reduce your marketing costs, as well as providing a communication loop through user generated content that allows your company to have increased relevance to its customers.

How can I design my own CRM loyalty app platform?

Motherapp can help you implement your own app tailored to your specific needs. Take a look at some of our case studies with companies such as Lane Crawford and see how we provided specialised solutions to their individual situations. You can also send us a service enquiry to find out how to make a CRM app to suit your business.


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