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Link Up – Linking Daily Life with Link Shopping Mall App - Motherapp
Link Up – Linking Daily Life with Link Shopping Mall App

Case study:
Link Up – Linking Daily Life with Link Shopping Mall App

LINK UP - 與領展會員 APP 連結日常生活

Linking Daily Life with Link Shopping Mall App 與領展會員 App 連結日常生活



As the largest shopping mall network in Hong Kong, Link REIT has an extensive presence across various districts in the city. Link REIT has continuously improved the malls’ facilities and services to strengthen its connections with the community. Recently, Link REIT has launched a new mobile shopping mall application called the “Link Up App”, aiming to be a one-stop lifestyle informational platform.

Meanwhile, to enhance customers’ shopping experience and strengthen the social network, Link REIT has upgraded its existing functions and combined SIX major experiences in the Link Up App. These include Real-time Parking Information, Place-making Events, Exclusive merchant discounts, Shopping Rewards for Members, Green Living Tips, and Team Missions.

By integrating a series of community news and physical games, customers can easily access the mall information, and Link REIT can establish a channel to engage with customers interactively. For instance, sharing its Place-making Events in “Hubs”, uploading Green Living Tips in “Interest Club”, and participating in shopping reward games as a team or individual through “Mission”. This approach encourages loyal members to actively participate in community activities and enjoy a fulfilling livelihood.

Link Up by Link Shopping Mall



Ensuring Customer Data Security: As the Link Up App is a key project for Link REIT, the company aims to collect customer data to understand their purchasing habits and provide more comprehensive services. As the user base gradually expands, concerns about data volume and data security arise. Link REIT has implemented strict all-rounded network security restrictions and established a structurally complete database in the backend while implementing robust data security measures. This ensures the security of customer data whileenabling comprehensive analysis of user information to support the evolving needs of the company.

Secure and Smooth Real-time Information: Link REIT is concerned about the manual workload involved in providing real-time information to customers. The goal is to create a seamless integration with their existing systems that allows for obtaining the latest information with a smooth operation in line with Link REIT’s internal IT security requirements. Our system integration capabilities can achieve various functions, such as real-time availability of parking spaces in the parking system or providing the latest merchant information and store directories through the App in the property management system.

Scalability for Future Development: Link REIT also wishes for the mobile application to be scalable, allowing flexibility to adapt to future development, expansion, and functionality of the group’s shopping malls.

Link Up by Link Shopping Mall integration Elements
Integration of Multiple Elements: In addition to the basic common functions of a loyalty program mobile application, Link REIT wants to customize event combinations to bring new platform features to the members, such as individual or group tasks, community functions, etc. Furthermore, the Link REIT mobile application can display its owned platform elements based on the user’s location. By showing the user’s nearby or frequently visited housing estates, malls, street markets, and parking lots with promotions and event information.

User-Friendly System: Diversified memberships and thousands of merchants are the major participants in the mobile application system. Link REIT is concerned about the usability of the mobile application. It is imperative to create a user-friendly system by offering an intuitive and accessible interface. Members can navigate the mobile application with ease, enhancing their overall experience and boosting engagement, leading to increased participation rates and activity levels.



Align with the Client’s IT Security Standards: We actively collaborate with our clients by adhering to their information technology practices and security standards throughout the development process. We conduct various tests on the mobile application, including penetration testing, load testing, and battle testing, to ensure the program meets network security standards.

Real-Time Parking Link Up by Link Shopping Mall

Personalized Experience: The mobile shopping mall application strongly emphasizes providing a customized user experience. From the main interface to features activities and rewards, everything is tailored based on the user’s provided information during registration, such as their work location, driver status, “favourite mall”, and household status. This enables Link REIT to offer content designs that align with user preferences and push notifications with the latest reward information. For example, drivers can utilize the App’s real-time parking space function to view the availability in nearby Link REIT parking lots on the map, facilitating their visit to Link REIT shopping malls. Members can also link their Octopus cards to the App to prepay the parking fees and ease their departure process conveniently.

Link Up by Link Shopping Mall Reward

Diversified Reward Channels: The application provides three significant channels for earning rewards: Electronic Stamp Cards and individual and Group Activities. Members can engage in multiple tasks simultaneously to accumulate rewards. The availability of diverse and interactive activities enhances member engagement and stimulates consumption. 

Shopping Mall Backdend Data
Robust Backbend Database: The integration of the application with the CRM system allows clients to collect and leverage customer data. Through data analysis, clients can gain a better understanding of customer consumption habits and marketing trends. This enables the provision of personalized content and offers.

Link Up by Link Shopping Mall Exclusive Reward

Convenient and Accessible Exclusive Reward: Users can directly search for discounts and activities offered by individual merchants within the application directory within users’ frequently visited malls. They can instantly claim and use electronic coupons and make hassle-free marketing transactions with merchants. These vouchers effectively attract the target users and keep customers active.


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Activation of Customer Loyalty Program: With the launch of the new application, Link REIT can officially initiate a membership program, helping the group develop digital customer relationships and benefit customers across various shopping malls.

Successful Establishment of Comprehensive Extensive Database: We have constructed a large-scale database within the application’s backend architecture. The database is fully complete and capable of collecting various digital footprints of members. The system also visualizes the data into a control panel in the backend, serving as a reference for marketing and planning departments.

Link Up by Link REIT in App Store

Wide User Adoption: With the promotion of group activities and community events, “Link Up” has received over 100,000 downloads in the Google Play Store and ranked Top 15 in the App Store’s Food & Drink category. This reflects the shopping mall app can attract different district citizens to download and engage in Link Up.

Stable System Handling High Traffic Activities: We ensure the application operates smoothly with our quality of service guarantee even with the rapid increases of membership registrations through large-scale promotional activities. We are committed to providing customers with the best user experience and deliver efficient and reliable service.


Link REIT Marketing Youtube Advertisement

《分分鐘都繫你》: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J0pAO9R3WO

Link REIT: https://www.linkreit.com/en/media/news-releases/link-introduces-the-upgraded-link-up-app-revolutionising-community-engagement/

Contact us for more information!

Link Up


第一步. 個案背景

作為全港最大型的商場網絡,領展旗下商場遍佈全港各區。領展一直不斷優化商場設施和服務,加強積社會的聯繫。領展最近推出了一個新的手機應用程式,名為「Link Up」,旨在成為全新的 一站式生活資訊平台。

然而,為了豐富顧客的購物體驗, 同時加強與社區聯繫,領展決定在原有的程用程式上,新增六大體驗元素並進行升級(Revamp),包括實時泊車資訊、社會營造活動、商戶獨家優惠、會員消費禮遇、綠色生活情報及團隊遊戲。

通過在手機應用程式中增加一系列社區資訊和實體遊戲,領展希望為顧客提供輕鬆獲取商場資訊的渠道,並建立與客戶互動的。例如在「好里有你」(Hub)板塊分享社區營造成果; 在「興趣會」(Interest Club)板塊上載綠色生活資訊;在「獎賞任務」(Mission)板塊參與個人或團隊遊戲獎賞任務,以鼓勵會員更積極地參與社區活動,享受更豐富的生活體驗。

Link Up by Link Shopping Mall


第二步. 個案挑戰

  • 客戶數據安全:這次的會員應用程式是領展的重點項目,公司希望通過收集客戶數據,了解用戶消費習慣,從而提供更全面的服務。隨著用戶數量逐步擴大,領展內部對網絡安全有嚴格的要求。我們需要在後台建立結構完整的數據庫,並採取強大的數據安全措施,在保證客戶數據安全的同時,也要能夠全面分析用戶資訊,支持企業不斷變化的需求。
  • 安全流暢的實時資訊:對於像領展這樣的企業級客戶,我們不僅為他們創建全新的應用程式,還要能夠與他們現有的系統進行無縫接軌。這樣不僅可以獲取最新資訊,也能確保公司運營的流暢性,符合領展內部的IT安全需求。我們的系統整合能力,可以實現各種功能,例如停車系統可以即時獲取空閒停車位資訊,物業管理系統則可以通過應用程式提供最新的商戶資訊和店鋪目錄等。
  • 可擴展性:客戶也希望應用程式具備可擴展性,能夠靈活配合集團未來的商場發展,擴充其規模和功能。

Link Up by Link Shopping Mall integration Elements

  • 多元素合一:除了常見的會員應用程式功能,客戶希望可以通過自定義不同規則組合,為會員帶來嶄新的平台功能,如個人或團體任務、社群功能等。另外,由於領展旗下擁有多個屋邨商場及街市,所有平台元素都會按照使用者所在地區,顯示附近/經常訪問的街市、商場及停車場的優惠及活動資訊。

  • 簡單易用的系統:多元化的會員和超過萬個商戶是這個系統的關鍵參與者,他們對應用程式和系統的支持至關重要。我們需要提供一個用戶友好(User Friendly)的系統,以改善用戶體驗、促進商戶營運,並提升每個人的參與度。透過簡單易用的系統,商戶可以輕鬆參與和管理商場活動,提高運營效率和滿意度。同時,客戶的體驗感受得到提升,活動參與率和活躍度亦將增加。


第三步. 團隊方案

配合客戶的IT安全規範:在開發過程中,我們全力與客戶合作,遵循他們的資訊科技慣例和安全規範。例如,我們對應用程式進行了多項測試,包括滲透測試 (Penetration Testing)、負載測試(Load Testing)和戰場測試(Battle Testing) 等,以確保程式符合網絡安全標準。

Link Up by Link Shopping Mall Real-time parking

Link Up by Link Shopping Mall Reward


Shopping Mall Backdend data


Link Up by Link Shopping Mall Exclusive Reward





第四步. 最終成果



Link Up by Link REIT in App store

程式受用戶廣泛使用:在團體活動和社區活動推廣下,「Link Up」在 Google Play 應用程式商店裡收獲超越 100,000 的下載次數,並在App Store飲食排行榜獲得前15 名,反映程式能夠吸引各區市民下載並使用,吸引他們參與到領展全新的會員計劃之中。



Link REIT Marketing Youtube Advertisement
《分分鐘都繫你》: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J0pAO9R3WO4

