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inSino for Sino Staff - Digitized Employee Communication - Motherapp
inSino for Sino Staff – Digitized Employee Communication

Case study:
inSino for Sino Staff – Digitized Employee Communication

inSino 信和集團內部員工應用程式 - 數碼化員工溝通渠道

Enhancing Internal Communication with a Digitized Platform


STEP 1. Background

For over 50 years, Sino Group has been a leading property developer in Hong Kong, with a presence in various sectors across Mainland China, Singapore, and Australia. However, with a large workforce comprising different departments and roles, effective communication posed a challenge. To address this, Sino Group introduced the inSino application, a digitized employee communication platform.

Sino Group LogoImage Source: Sino Group


STEP 2. Business Challenge

  • Lack of centralized communication platform for employees: With a diverse workforce, including office workers, frontline construction workers, security, and cleaning staff, it was challenging to ensure timely information dissemination. Email-based communication was not feasible for frontline employees, leading to a lack of effective communication within Sino Group.
  • Ineffectiveness of paper-based notices: Senior staff relied on paper notices, which often went unnoticed or ignored by frontline workers. This paper-based approach hindered communication between different levels within the organization.
  • Low download rate: Without incentives, employees were reluctant to download the inSino application, resulting in low adoption rates and hampering communication efforts.
  • Lack of employee training: Manual training processes were time-consuming and lacked standardization. Sino Group sought a digital training platform to enhance efficiency and ensure consistent training for all employees.


STEP 3. The Solution

digitized communication platform

  • Convenient one-stop communication platform: The inSino application serves as a centralized hub for company news, work arrangements, staff discounts, and more. Employees can easily connect with Sino Group and communicate with each other using their mobile phones.
  • Enhanced employee engagement: In addition to official articles and updates, employees can publish their own articles, share stories, and leave comments on various topics. The platform encourages interaction and fosters a sense of community among employees.
  • Personalized integration of work information: The application provides tailored information based on departments, positions, and work locations. Employees receive relevant updates, income certificates, and rosters, ensuring accurate and real-time information delivery.
  • Incentives for downloading: The inSino application offers features like digitized document management, including rosters and income certificates, and access to employee benefits. These incentives encourage employees to download and use the application.
  • Online employee training: Sino Group can upload training videos to the online training platform, allowing employees to access and revisit the content at their convenience. The seamless integration between the online training and inSino applications streamlines the training process.


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STEP 4. The Results

  • Enhanced communication: The inSino application has transformed information sharing and improved communication between senior employees and frontline workers. Managers and employees can now communicate directly, leading to increased efficiency and effective operation and management.
  • Improved sense of belonging: Employees have a deeper understanding of Sino Group through the inSino application, including the latest news, objectives, and awards. Staff discounts further enhance their sense of belonging to the organization.
  • Employee satisfaction: The inSino application has received a 4.5 stars ratings and positive feedback from employees, indicating their satisfaction with its features and convenience. It has become one of the most widely used communication tools within Sino Group.

inSino 信和集團內部員工應用程式 — 數碼化員工溝通渠道


第一步. 個案背景

在1970年代創立,作為香港主要地產發展商之一,信和集團涉足多項與物業相關的業務,足跡遍及內地、新加坡及澳洲。 50 年來,信和集團發展積極,業務範疇涵蓋物業發展與管理、保安服務、酒店與會所管理、停車場業務以至環衛清潔服務,僱用超過 11,000 名員工,規模龐大。

Sino Group LogoImage Source: Sino Group


第二步. 個案挑戰

  • 缺乏統一的員工溝通渠道:信和集團規模龐大,涉足業務廣,員工數目多。不同業務的工作性質各有不同,所需要的員工亦各有不同。由外判員工、前線建築工人、保安、保潔人員到後勤辦公室員工,信和集團想要確保所有員工都能收到來自公司的更新通知及重要新聞。然而,除了後勤辦公室人員能透過工作電郵即時接收到公司訊息外,其他前線員工一般較難及時收到,公司資訊並不算流通。
  • 紙本通告的有效性低:在內部員工應用程式推出前,信和集團主要靠紙本文件及通告傳遞重要訊息予前線員工。例如將集團更新通告張貼於控制室/員工休息室/茶水間,讓前線員工在前往這些地方時能夠閱讀得到。但這個方法成效有限,前線員工可能會因為休假而錯過/根本沒有注意到有通告更新⋯⋯ 可見紙本通告的有效性低。
    缺乏誘因下載:由於 inSino 應用程式非屬強制性安裝,員工有自由決定是否要下載和使用。但這難免會衍生出另一個問題,就是:應用程式可能會缺乏下載誘因,導致使用率過低的情況。
  • 人手培訓的不足:信和集團目前透過人手培訓去培訓員工有關新指引/新工作安排。除了需額外抽出培訓員和受訓員工的時間進行培訓,影響工作效率外,亦難以確保培訓員的教學質素是否合符標準。因此,信和集團帶望透過電子平台,為員工提供線上培訓影片,提升培訓效率。


第三步. 團隊方案

digitized communication platform

  • 便利的一站式員工溝通平台:inSino 內部員工應用程式能容許由外判、前線到後勤等所有信和員工下載。一次過結合了集團新聞、工作資訊、員工內部折扣等訊息及功能,員工亦可以透過應用程式內的問卷功能向公司提出意見,表達訴求。只要一機在手,所有員工都能與集團總部接軌,隨時緊貼公司最新消息及提出意見。


  • 個人化工作資訊整合:應用程式包含集團新聞、分區訊息、部門通知及個人化工作資訊等,位處不同部門及職位的員工將會收到不同的資訊。員工除了各自會收到自己所屬部門的訊息、個人糧單、更表假表等文件外,程式還會根據工作地區和層級再作細分。例如於油尖旺區工作的員工會收到油尖旺區的消息,而於屯門工作的員工會收到屯門區的消息;經理層級的會收到機密性更高的訊息,而普通員工則不會收到。要做到這項準確的訊息分類功能,其實一點也不簡單。由於整個架構的的設計十分繁複,內容分類及員工對象組別重疊度高。我們除了要確保員工能及時收到所需的訊息外,還是訊息不會傳到錯誤的帳戶(如保密訊息不會被錯誤地廣泛散播)。因此,我們團隊與信和集團方進行了多次交涉,針對訊息存取權與群組分類問題進行了多番討論後,成功開發了這能兼顧訊息保密發及個人化工作資訊的系統。


  • 提供下載誘因:當時信和集團內部的員工文件(例如更表、假表、糧單等)均由其所在的部門和單位整理及保管。部門間工作文件各自分散,欠系統整理。透過 inSino 內部員工應用程式,電子化統一管理這些文件,提升了集團整合人力資源管理效率。更重要的是,員工能隨時隨地在手機應用程式裡方便地查閱自己的更表、假表和糧單詳細文件,還有智能的假期及醫療保障數據整理,成為應用程式的 Killer Feature,促使員工下載的誘因。


  • 電子線上培訓:信和集團會將需要培訓的技能/服務流程/新增的服務等上傳到集團的電子線上培訓平台,供員工自行進行培訓和利用平台複習。為了方便員工和提升效率,inSino 內部員工應用程式和集團的電子線上培訓平台是無縫連結的,用家能在不用再次登入的情況下無縫轉換,橫誇不同平台使用。




第四步. 最終成果

  • 改善員工與公司之間的溝通,有助企業管理:以往,資訊的傳遞需要由上而下經過逐層逐層傳遞才傳到前線員工手中,前線員工表達意見的渠道亦少之又少。在 inSino 內部員工應用程式推出後,它除了是一個資訊發放平台外,也是一個員工向公司表達意見的新渠道,供僱員和管理層直接溝通。提升溝通效率,使訊息能更有效地在集團內部流通,提升管理效能。
  • 提升員工歸屬感:透過應用程式內的集團資訊通知及最新消息發怖,員工可以了解更多有關信和的最新動態、發展戰略、獎項,以及更多其他消息。對自己工作的企業有更深入的了解,培養他們對信和集團的榮譽感與歸屬感。另外,應用程式內亦有員工內部折扣可供領取,這些員工福利也可增強員工歸屬感。
  • 員工運用率高: inSino 應用程式在 Google Play 應用程式商店裡取得 4.5 星用戶評價,反映員工對程式的滿意程度。除此之外,由於其功能全面和使用便利,inSino 應用程式在信和集團內部的使用率亦不低,多個部門都有以 inSino 應用程式作成其中一個常用溝通工具。