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「支付與客戶管理的智慧整合」研討會精華 - Motherapp



Highlights from the “Smart Integration of Payments and Customer Management” Seminar


我們很高興與大家分享,Motherapp 在 9 月 26 日與合作夥伴 CapratechRECONIngram Micro 一同合辦了主題為「支付與客戶管理的智慧整合:全面優化客戶購物體驗」線下研討會,為企業分享提升整合客戶購物體驗的嶄新智慧方案。本次活動於尖沙咀新港中心順利舉行,吸引了來自零售、專業服務及數碼行業的專業人士參加,交流心得。

We are excited to share that on September 26th, Motherapp, in collaboration with our partners Capratech, RECON, and Ingram Micro, successfully hosted an in-person seminar titled “Smart Integration of Payment and Customer Management: Enhancing the Customer Shopping Experience”. The event took place at Silvercord in Tsim Sha Tsui, drawing professionals from the retail, professional services, and digital sectors, all eager to explore innovative smart solutions for enhancing customer experience.

Motherapp's Smart Integration of Payment and Customer Management: Enhancing the Customer Shopping Experience 支付與客戶管理的智慧整合:全面優化客戶購物體驗 研討會


本次研討會重點分享了四家公司在支付系統、CRM 客戶關係管理系統,以及數據整合方面的實戰經驗。我們 Motherapp 團隊為為參會者詳細介紹了 CRM 系統的應用,展示了如何通過線上線下的整合來自動化推廣及吸引回頭客,並透過數據分析策略全面提升客戶的購買力。

The seminar focused on sharing practical insights from all four companies regarding payment systems, CRM (Customer Relationship Management) systems, and data integration. Motherapp’s team gave an in-depth presentation on the application of CRM systems, showcasing how the integration of online and offline customer experiences can automate promotions and attract repeat customers. By leveraging data-driven strategies, businesses can significantly enhance customer purchasing power.

Motherapp's Smart Integration of Payment and Customer Management: Enhancing the Customer Shopping Experience 支付與客戶管理的智慧整合:全面優化客戶購物體驗 研討會


提供專業數據增值服務及電商解決方案的 Capratech 夥伴團隊則著重於介紹如何選擇並整合網店系統及其對公司運作流程的影響,從而提升整體購物體驗;而提供一站式實時線上支付整合解決方案的 RECON 夥伴團隊講者聚焦分享多元化線上支付方式,探討如何支援商戶推廣業務及實現支付流程的智能化。

Capratech, a provider of professional data value-added services and e-commerce solutions, emphasized on how to select and integrate e-commerce systems, discussing their impact on operational workflows and how they enhance the overall shopping experience. And RECON, a provider of real-time, one-stop online payment solutions, focused on diverse online payment methods, highlighting how they support businesses in promoting operations and streamline payment processes.

Motherapp's Smart Integration of Payment and Customer Management: Enhancing the Customer Shopping Experience 支付與客戶管理的智慧整合:全面優化客戶購物體驗 研討會


我們亦連同提供技術產品分銷、供應鏈管理、雲服務和技術解決方案的 Ingram Micro 夥伴團隊,共四方講者夥伴一同配合研究案例,探討了整合過程中的挑戰及其應對方案,提供實用的解決方法。

Together with our partner Ingram Micro, a global distributor of IT products and provider of supply chain, cloud services, and technical solutions, we explored the challenges of system integration and provided practical solutions through real-world case studies.

Motherapp's Smart Integration of Payment and Customer Management: Enhancing the Customer Shopping Experience 支付與客戶管理的智慧整合:全面優化客戶購物體驗 研討會


此次活動是我們 Motherapp 團隊與業界伙伴攜手共進的一大嘗試,為我們的客戶提供更多客戶管理與數碼轉型方案的業界經驗及見解。活動期間,我們的團隊成員積極與來自各行業的專業人士交流,並從中獲取了寶貴的反饋,這將成為我們未來改進服務的重要指引。

This event marked a significant milestone in Motherapp’s ongoing efforts to collaborate with industry partners to deliver valuable insights and solutions in customer management and digital transformation. Throughout the seminar, our team members engaged actively with professionals from various industries, gathering valuable feedback that will serve as key guidance for improving our future services.


我們深信,只有真正了解並掌握客戶的需求,才能為商戶帶來長遠的商業價值。展望未來,Motherapp 將繼續致力於為企業提供智慧整合解決方案,尤其是在客戶管理與智慧整合的領域。我們將持續推動智慧整合的應用,幫助企業在數碼轉型的道路上保持競爭力,實現業務增長。

At Motherapp, we firmly believe that understanding and addressing customer needs is the key to delivering long-term business value. Looking ahead, we will continue to provide smart integration solutions for businesses, particularly in the areas of customer management and digital transformation. We are committed to driving the adoption of intelligent solutions, helping businesses stay competitive and achieve growth in their digital transformation journey.



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