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Motherapp Joins HKPC's 數碼轉型支援先導計劃 Retail Solution Day - Motherapp

Motherapp Joins HKPC’s 數碼轉型支援先導計劃 Retail Solution Day


Motherapp 參與 HKPC「數碼轉型支援先導計劃」行業方案展覽日
Motherapp Joins HKPC’s Retail Solution Day in the Digital Transformation Support Pilot Programme


香港生產力促進局(HKPC)致力提供綜合支援如諮詢、培訓等服務,以科技創新及技術驅動本地企業提升生產力,促使香港成為國際創科中心。適逢政府在財政預算案預留五億元讓數碼港推出全新「數碼轉型支援先導計劃」,結合 HKPC「數碼不求人」平台協助連繫,資助中小應用現成數碼方案更容易實現數碼轉型,為業務創優增值。

The Hong Kong Productivity Council (HKPC) is committed to providing comprehensive support aimed at boosting the productivity of local businesses through technology innovation. Its objective is to establish Hong Kong as an international hub for innovation and technology.

In line with this mission, the government has allocated HKD 500 million in the 2023-2024 budget for Cyberport to introduce the new “Digital Transformation Support Pilot Programme (DTSPP)”, supplementing the existing “Technology Voucher Programme (TVP).” This initiative makes it more accessible for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to engage in digital transformation by offering subsidies for the adoption of digital solutions, thereby enhancing value and improving business performance.

DDIY DTSPP Retail Solution Day

為全新的先導計劃首階段打響頭炮,HKPC 於 23年12月4日 順利舉行了零售求「 Fund 」之全新「數碼轉型支援先導計劃」及行業方案展覽日,由科技券計劃秘書處代表首次拆解此先導計劃及更多支援方案的申請詳情,滙聚了逾 250 名零售業人員及中小品牌到場參與。

Marking the launch of the DTSPP’s first phase, HKPC conducted the Retail Solution Day on December 4th. The event featured TVP Secretariat representatives who provided insights into the pilot program and other support schemes. The occasion attracted participation from over 250 retail industry professionals and small brand representatives.

DDIY DTSPP Retail Solution Day

Motherapp Loyalty Platform 專為零售品牌提供快捷、簡易、可擴充性和可延伸性的全方位無縫O2O CRM解決方案,讓客戶能夠掌握品牌控制權,革新他們的客戶體驗。作為當局的技術和方案供應夥伴,Motherapp 很榮幸受邀參展,並入選成為演講嘉賓在研討會上分享我們與日本家品品牌 Franc Franc 在數碼轉型應用合作上的成功經驗和案例。

Motherapp Loyalty Platform delivers an expedient, intuitive, and scalable O2O CRM solution, devised specifically for retail brands, empowering them to redefine their customer experience. As a trusted technology and solution partner of HKPC, we were privileged to be invited as guest speakers at the seminar. There, we highlighted our collaboration with the internationally recognized Japanese brand, Franc Franc, and its digital transformation efforts in Hong Kong.


現場,Motherapp 的團隊成員亦透過展位與 HKPC 數碼轉型部數碼顧問主管李溢朗先生以及來自各方的企業領導者交流零售數碼轉型見解。使得我們團隊能獲得寶貴的反饋和建議,有助進一步優化和改進我們的 Loyalty Platform 方案功能,滿足中小企業對數碼轉型支援方案的需求。

Our team members engaged in productive discussions with Mr. Leslie Lee, Head of Digital Consulting in the Digital Transformation Division at HKPC, and with local business leaders from varied sectors. These interactions provided insights into digital transformation challenges in the retail industry and furnished us with constructive feedback and suggestions. This input will be instrumental in enhancing our Motherapp Loyalty Platform to better meet the digital transformation needs of SMEs in Hong Kong.

DDIY DTSPP Retail Solution Day


Motherapp is committed to persistently providing effective digital transformation solutions to our business partners. We focus on aiding them in augmenting operational efficiency and securing a competitive advantage in the marketplace. By spearheading digital transformation efforts, we aspire to imbue Hong Kong’s business landscape with innovation and vitality.


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